Collaborative School Committee Meeting Minutes: 9/23/21

Posted September 24, 2021

CSC Meeting Agenda

Date/Fecha: 9/23    Time/Tiempo: 5:00

Meeting Location / Lugar de la Junta:

Meeting ID: 978 3013 8390

Passcode: 131416

The mission of Bruce Randolph School is to graduate 100% of seniors prepared to succeed without remediation in a four year college or university. 

La misión de la escuela Bruce Randolph es graduar al 100% de los estudiantes del doce grado preparados para tener éxito sin remediación en una universidad de cuatro años.

Committee Members / Miembros del comité: Anai Soto-Rodriguez (Chair), Maria Mares, Juanita Valdez, Katrina Hedrick, Melissa Boyd, Florentina Vasquez

  1. Call to order, welcome / Llamar al pedido, bienvenida
    1. Introductions / Introducciones
  1. Celebrations / Celebraciones
  1. Agenda review / Revisión de la agenda
  1. Public Input / Voz del público 
  1. Principal’s Report 
    1. Our COVID mitigation strategy and impact
      1. Following the DPS 5 – masking required, vaccinations required of all staff/school partners/volunteers
      2. Encouraging our students to get vaccinated
      3. COVID cases – 1, which led to a quarantine of 4 students
      4. Continue to encourage families to keep students home when sick and to get tested for COVID if they’ve had contact with an individual who tested positive or if they have two or more symptoms of COVID.  
      5. Students can get tested in the in-school clinic
      6. Families, keep encouraging students to wear masks and as always, thank you for your ongoing support. 
  1. Discussion items / Temas de discusión:
    1. CSC Operations
      1. CSC Bylaws – Approval / Aprobación
        1. Translated copy needed
      2. CSC Roles / Posiciones del CSC
        1. Chairperson (Anai Soto-Rodriguez) / Presidente
        2. Time Keeper Maria Mares
        3. Secretary/ Secretaria Katrina Hedrick
    2. Major Improvement Strategies 2021-22
      1. MIS – Translated copy needed
      2. These strategies are formed by last year’s CSC, instructional leadership team and school leadership team based on efficacy data. These strategies are identified in April and this year’s CSC will do the same for the following academic year. 
      3. Future meetings will include data that reflects our growth towards these goals. 
    3. Parent Involvement Opportunities
      1. These events are opportunities to develop our relationships between our school and our families in this community, not about grades or academic progress.
  1. Upcoming Events
    1. Back to School Night
    2. Homecoming Dance
      1. Grades 9-12 are invited to attend fully outside without masks. 
      2. Masks are required to use the inside restrooms.
      3. The event is optional.
      4. Admin, security and chaperones will be present.
      5. Hollywood theme. 
      6. Looking for parent volunteers to join us for our decoration party before the dance. More information will follow in the family school newsletter.
      7. Student body is working on securing a live band for the event, and Ms. Hedrick will provide sound tech support. There is a potential group of students who will perform as well.  
  1. Trick or Trunk
    1. Music playlist from Bruce student musicians
    2. Candy will be provided
    3. Families and staff are welcome to part in the east parking lot on the corner of Steele and 40th. 
  2. Dia De Los Muertos Movie Night
    1. Book of Life or Coco 
    2. Cafeteria
    3. Starting at 3:00 pm, students go home afterwards. 
    4. Drinks and snacks provided. 
  1. Monthly Parent Meetings
    1. We will begin our monthly Town Hall Meetings at 5 pm on the 29th of September. This information will be in the family school newsletter. This meeting is open to the public. 
  2. Other opportunities for involvement that you’d like to see
    1. Parent responses: 
      1. Ms. Vasquez appreciates the social media reminders to events two weeks prior and the day before. 
      2. Ms. Mares is happy to see the school opening up again after the quarantine experience and feels these social celebrations are important and impactful with our families. 

     7.  Setting of agenda for next meeting / Establecimiento de la agenda para la   

próxima reunión

     8.  Date for next meeting / Fecha de la próxima reunión: 

  1. Next meeting is October 21st at 5:00 pm through a zoom link. 
  2. Ms. Hedrick will send out a staff invite to our next meeting.