Category: News


***Parents it is very important that your student is here and on time if  your student is absent on Tuesday January 18th, they cannot attend  testing on Thursday January 20th as exams follow each other they can’t  take writing/speaking untilContinue Reading

Holiday Resources | Recursos de vacaciones

Haga clic aquí para leer en español Looking for additional resources in your community? Just dial 2-1-1 on your phone and a United Way specialist will help you find what you’re looking for in your neighborhood (or go to UnitedContinue Reading

Middle School Boys & Girls Basketball Open Gym | Gimnasio abierto de baloncesto para niños y niñas de secundaria

Attention all 6th, 7th, & 8th grade boys & girls interested in playing middle school basketball this year. There will be an open gym for boys on Wednesday, December 1 from 3-4:30pm in the gym. There will also be anContinue Reading

COVID-19 Vaccinations Now Available for Children Aged 5 and Older | Las vacunas contra el COVID-19 están ahora disponibles para niños a partir de los cinco años

Haga clic aquí para leer en español Denver Health Pediatrics is excited to bring COVID-19 vaccinations to youth ages 5-11. Vaccines are offered at NO COST. The more students that get vaccinated against COVID-19 means safer schools for all students! VaccineContinue Reading

Academic Family Teacher Team Meetings | Reuniones académicas del equipo de maestros familiares

Haga clic aquí para leer en español When: Friday – October 15 from 10:00 to 6:00/ Viernes Octubre 15 a las 10:00am -6:00pm  What: Our fall conferences with families to connect about student progress and to collaborate to support studentContinue Reading

Family Town Hall | Junta Familiar

Below is a recap of the Family Town Hall from Wednesday, September 29. | A continuación se muestra un resumen del Junat Familiarl del miércoles 29 de septiembre.

Back to School Night | Noche de regreso a clases

Join us for Back to School Night Friday, October 1!  Activities Fair 2:30-4pm After school on Friday, October 1 there will be an activities fair in the back parking lot for students and parents to explore all the different clubsContinue Reading

Collaborative School Committee Meeting Minutes: 9/23/21

CSC Meeting Agenda Date/Fecha: 9/23    Time/Tiempo: 5:00 Meeting Location / Lugar de la Junta: Meeting ID: 978 3013 8390 Passcode: 131416 The mission of Bruce Randolph School is to graduate 100% of seniors prepared to succeed without remediationContinue Reading

Middle School Athletics | Atletismo de la escuela secundaria

Bump, Set, Spike! Bruce Randolph will be hosting an open gym for all 6, 7, 8th grade girls interested in playing volleyball this year. Open gym will take place from 3 – 4:30pm every Monday in the month of September. The goal ofContinue Reading

Fall Test Dates | Fechas de prueba de otoño

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