
Stay up to date with all Bruce Randolph News!

Career Conversation Panel

Hello Grizzlies!! Are you Interested in becoming an Electrician, Welder or HVAC expert! Are you interested in learning about how to get into these careers?  If so, take time to fill out the link below or the QR code onContinue Reading

CMAS Schedule | April 2024

Dear Middle School Grizzly Families, Please read through the schedule and view the documents below for the upcoming CMAS Schedule for April!

National Social Worker Week

Last week we celebrated our Social Worker, Adrienne Pederson at Bruce Randolph for National School Social Worker Week! We are so grateful for her work in creating a safe and positive learning environment for our students to continue to grow.Continue Reading

Baseball & Girls Soccer Season Schedules

Swipe to view this season’s Girls Soccer and Baseball Schedules!