Hey Grizzly families! Join us tomorrow at 8:30am for Coffee with the Principal, at the Bruce Randolph cafeteria! We’ll be focused on discussing priorities for next year and any other topics the community wants to chat about. We hope to…Continue Reading
Join the Central Community Hub at Swansea Elementary School and register for the Spring 2024, English as a Second Language (ESL) in-person and online classes! Click the flyer to learn more information about the ESL classes below.
Hey there current Grizzlies! Do you know anyone who missed our Open House last month? It’s not too late to check out our school! Pass on the Bruce tour signup link below to any friends and family interested in being…Continue Reading
Please ensure that all students bring their charged chromebooks and chargers if you are Access testing on Wednesday and Friday. All students will receive an email with their testing rooms on 1/16/24 in their gmail inboxes. Please be on time for…Continue Reading