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8th Grade Continuation

Students will be given 5 tickets.  The dress code of formal wear, students can wear dress shirts, blouses, pants, skits, slacks, polo shirts, and suits.  Wedges can be worn, but no high heels.  Families will be notified by May 24th ifContinue Reading

Boletín Bruce Bulletin

Bruce Calendar | Calendario de Bruce

Boletín Bruce Bulletin

Viernes, 29 de abril | Friday, April 29 Bruce Calendar | Calendario de Bruce Click on the item to read more! Haga clic aquí para leer en español

Principal selection process | selección de directores

Dear Bruce Randolph School Community, We deeply value our community partnership. The primary purpose of this letter is to provide an update on the principal selection process. Estimada comunidad de la escuela Bruce Randolph: Valoramos profundamente nuestra asociación comunitaria. ElContinue Reading