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Senior Baby Photos

Hey Senior Grizzly Families! Do you want to submit baby photos of your graduating student. to this s year’s Bruce yearbook? Get the opportunity to submit a baby photo and congratulatory note to your senior! Please fill out the formContinue Reading

Bruce Randolph Newsletter | 11/01

Upcoming Dates: Attendance We are excited to celebrate the attendance of our 6th and 11th grades who are meeting the goal of 90% attendance. Last week, we celebrated over 300 students who currently had 90% or better at the end of theContinue Reading

HS Graduate Opportunity

Calling all high school graduates! Broadband Careers is offering many high-paying, long-term careers now available all across Colorado. Chose where to live and work, all while enjoying our beautiful mountains and actively contributing to the communities you live in. TheContinue Reading

FREE Senior Photo Opp | 10/31

Hey Seniors! Have you taken your senior photos yet? If not, join us on Thursday, Oct. 31 for a FREE senior photo opportunity from 8am to 10am. Please fill out the interest form below to answer three quick questions includingContinue Reading