Round 1 of SchoolChoice closed on February 18th, stay tuned for future tour dates, open houses, etc. | La 1.ª ronda de EscojoMiEscuela cerró el 18 de Febrero, estén atentos para futuras fechas de giras, jornadas de puertas abiertas, etc.
Round 1 of the DPS SchoolChoice enrollment process for the 2025-26 school year opened 10 a.m. January 15 for all grades and closes 4 p.m. February 18 for all grades.
DPS SchoolChoice open enrollment is for any student who wants or needs to attend a new school for the following school year, particularly “transitioning” students, typically incoming kinder, sixth- and ninth- grade students. All incoming preschool students, as well as incoming students who reside in an enrollment zone, must complete an application.
First, to prepare for SchoolChoice, learn more about schools in which you might be interested, starting with you neighborhood school. Check out School Finder, read the Great Schools Enrollment Guides and talk to schools you are interested in. Sign into your SchoolChoice account and apply to your preferred schools that have availability – anytime during the month-long Choice window. If you don’t have an account, you can create one using your email address or a current Parent Portal log-in.
Following Round 1, when all applications have been submitted, the Choice computer algorithm will randomly assign all participating students a lottery number between 1 and 1 million. Students are also assigned a priority level for each of the schools they selected based on pre-determined priority categories published by each school. The algorithm will then rank and stack students within each priority category based on their randomly assigned lottery number. This produces an ordered list of students for every grade at every school. The system then allocates seats to students based on the order in which they fall on this list; the system then assigns waitlist numbers to all students who do not obtain a seat in order of how they were ranked and stacked. Read a detailed description of how the algorithm works.
Call the SchoolChoice Hotline at 720-423-3493, email or visit
Bruce Randolph Middle School is a community of learners. We believe that the road to college starts in sixth grade by providing students a rigorous curriculum, a safe and supported learning environment, and a community that values each student.
We are committed to ensuring your student is ready for high school. At Bruce Randolph Middle School, instruction is designed to ensure each student meets and exceeds grade level standards.
We strive to provide a safe, bully-free environment in order to best support your child’s academic growth and personal development.
We provide a small school environment where students are able to build relationships with teachers and their peers. All learners are challenged and provided the personal attention and support necessary to thrive!
La Escuela Secundaria Bruce Randolph es una comunidad de aprendizaje. Creemos que la ruta a la universidad comienza en el sexto grado, por lo que brindamos a los estudiantes un plan de estudios exigente, un entorno de aprendizaje seguro y apoyado, y una comunidad que valora a cada estudiante.
Hemos asumido el compromiso de garantizar que su estudiante esté preparado para ir a la escuela preparatoria. En la Escuela Secundaria Bruce Randolph, la instrucción se ha diseñado para garantizar que cada estudiante cumpla y supere los estándares de los niveles de grado.
Nos esforzamos por brindar un entorno seguro y sin acoso escolar, para apoyar mejor el crecimiento académico y desarrollo personal de su hijo.
Proporcionamos un entorno escolar pequeño donde los estudiantes pueden establecer relaciones con los maestros y sus compañeros. ¡Todos los estudiantes enfrentan desafíos y se les brinda la atención personal y el apoyo necesarios para prosperar!
Bruce Randolph High School is a neighborhood high school with a focus on community and academic achievement. Our mission is to graduate 100% of seniors prepared to succeed without remediation in a four-year college or university.
Class of 2019 graduation rate:
Class of 2022 already accepted to college:
Students earning college credit in the 2021-22 school year:
We are committed to ensuring our students are ready to succeed in college upon their graduation from high school. Students are given the opportunity to earn college credit and have the opportunity to take College Seminar courses to support them with the college application process and postsecondary options.
We embrace our students cultural and individual identities as essential components of our shared community. We work in partnership with families to ensure student succeed in high school, college and beyond.
La Escuela Preparatoria Bruce Randolph es una preparatoria de vecindario que se centra en la comunidad y el desempeño académico.Nuestra misión es que el 100 % de los estudiantes de 12° grado se gradúen preparados para triunfar en un programa universitario de 4 años, sin la necesidad de tomar cursos de recuperación.
Tasa de graduación de la clase de 2019:
Clase de 2022 ya aceptado a la universidad:
Estudiantes que obtienen créditos universitarios en el año escolar 2021-22:
Nos comprometemos a garantizar que nuestros estudiantes estén listos para tener éxito en la universidad después de graduarse de la preparatoria. Los estudiantes y también tienen la oportunidad de tomar seminarios universitarios como apoyo para el proceso de solicitud de ingreso a la universidad y las opciones pospreparatorias.
Acogemos la identidad cultural e individual de nuestros estudiantes como elementos esenciales de nuestra comunidad compartida. En Bruce trabajamos en asociación con las familias para garantizar el éxito de los estudiantes en la escuela preparatoria, la universidad y más allá.
Hey there future Grizzlies!
Are you interested in touring Bruce Randolph School? We want to meet you!
Click the link below to pick the best date and time for you to visit our school. Our Bruce tour will include; Bruce promotional/information items, a walk around the school with a Bruce staff member, the opportunity to ask any questions about our school community!
Bruce Randolph offers an excellent education for students in grade six to 12. Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our seniors and prepare them to succeed without remediation in a four-year college or university!
Why Bruce?
One-to-one technology; all students receive a Chromebook.
Electives include art, physical education, band, theater, AVID, Spanish, website design & coding, and many honors and AP classes.
High school athletics include CHSAA 3A girls basketball, girls soccer, girls volleyball, cheer/spirit, boys basketball, boys soccer and boys baseball. We partner with neighboring schools to ensure our athletes access anything we don’t offer at Bruce.
Bruce is rated Green on the School Performance Framework for postsecondary readiness and student and family satisfaction.