Author: talyacohen

National Assistant Principals Week

We wanted to extend a shoutout to some very special Bruce staff members! In honor of National Assistant Principals Week we are highlighting our own, Ms. Sarah Ochoa-Lazoya, Mr. Andres Botello and Ms. Sarah Peterson! We are so grateful forContinue Reading

Spring Break | March 23-April 1

Have a wonderful spring break Grizzlies! We will see you back in school on April 2nd, 2024.

BESS Survey

You are encouraged to complete a short form to provide valuable input on your child’s mental health and social-emotional well-being. Our end-of-year screening window is open from March 18 through April 26.

Bruce Randolph School Newsletter | 3/22

Important Upcoming Dates: March 25-29 – Spring Break April 1 – Cesar Chavez Observance April 2 – Bruce Randolph Student Culture Day April 10 – MS CMAS Testing April 11 – MS CMAS Testing + CSC Meeting April 12 –Continue Reading

Athletics Schedule and Information | 3/18 – 3/23

General Information:  High School Baseball: will continue practice this week with a possible scrimmage on Thursday. HS Girls Soccer: will have three games this week. On Monday they will host Sheridan 6pm, on Wednesday they will host Arrupe 4pm start time andContinue Reading

Grizzly Fun Night

Join us this week on March 21st from 4:00-7:00pm for a Grizzly Fun Night! We’ll be having games, food/drinks and music! To be a part of our Grizzly Fun Night you must have no more than 2 Fs and 85%Continue Reading


Dear Bruce Randolph School Families, We will remain closed Friday, March 15, due to severe weather. Saturday School is cancelled for Saturday, March 16. All school-related events and activities, including all Discovery Link and ELCS Enrichment programs, are also canceled.Continue Reading


Bruce Randolph School is closed, Thursday March 14, 2024 due to severe weather. All school-related events and activities are also canceled. We will continue to monitor the weather and will announce any updates first on the DPS homepage at www.dpsk12.orgContinue Reading

Career Conversation Panel

Hello Grizzlies!! Are you Interested in becoming an Electrician, Welder or HVAC expert! Are you interested in learning about how to get into these careers?  If so, take time to fill out the link below or the QR code onContinue Reading

CMAS Schedule | April 2024

Dear Middle School Grizzly Families, Please read through the schedule and view the documents below for the upcoming CMAS Schedule for April!

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