Category: News

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic | Clínica de vacunación COVID-19

Inner City is hosting a free COVID-19 vaccination clinic! | ¡Inner City está organizando una clínica gratuita de vacunación COVID-19! $100 Walmart Giftcard! | ¡Tarjetas de regalo de Walmart de $100!

High School Boys Varsity Soccer Schedule | Horario de fútbol universitario de varones de secundaria

Bruce Randolph’s high School Boys soccer team is very competitive and looks to have a great year. The team plays on a million dollar synthetic turf field which is equipped with lights for night games and practices.  If you’re interested,Continue Reading

Girls Volleyball | Voleibol de chicas

The Lady Grizzlies are looking for any 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th graders interested in playing volleyball this year. They are working hard to “Restore the Roar” at Bruce Randolph. We hope to see you there.   If you’re interested, the teamContinue Reading

School Supply Lists | Listas de útiles escolares

School starts on Monday, August 23! Make sure your student has all the supplies they need by visiting Walmart’s Teacher’s Shelf! Simply click on your student’s grade to see what supplies they need. ¡La escuela comienza el lunes 23Continue Reading

Welcome Students & Families | Bienvenidos estudiantes y familias

Leer en español | Read Welcome Letter to 6th Grade Families | Lea la carta de bienvenida Lea la carta de bienvenida a las familias de sexto grado a las familias de sexto grado Dear Bruce Randolph School Students andContinue Reading

Important Forms for the 2021/22 School Year | Formularios importantes para el año escolar 2021/22

Make sure your student is ready for the 2021/22 school year by filling out the online lunch application, and the electronic consent form for Denver Health! ¡Asegúrese de que su estudiante esté listo para el año escolar 2021/22 completando laContinue Reading

Free COVID Testing for Students! | ¡Prueba COVID gratis para estudiantes!

Supporting Grieving Families | Apoyando a Familias en Duelo

Supporting Grieving Families  May 19, 12:00 MST  COVID-19 brought on a pandemic of grief that will impact our schools andcommunity for years to come. This webinar is for adults who want to createunderstanding and connection with grieving youth. Judi’s HouseContinue Reading

COVID-19 Vaccinations DPS Students 16 & Older | Vacunas COVID-19 Estudiantes de DPS de 16 años a más

Click Here for English | Haga clic aquí para español | Click Here to Download English Flyer | Haga clic aquí para descargar el folleto en español  Vaccines are offered at NO COST to all DPS students. The more studentsContinue Reading

Bruce Garden Opens | Se abre jardín de Bruce

Bruce Randolph students got their hands dirty today at the opening of Bruce Randolph School’s garden! Check out the pictures and video below! ¡Los estudiantes de Bruce Randolph se ensuciaron las manos hoy en la inauguración del jardín de laContinue Reading

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