
Stay up to date with all Bruce Randolph News!

Field Trips & Programs Offered

Interested in architecture, interior design, virtual reality or medicine practice? Check out and read more about some awesome programs we have to offer! Scan the QR codes to sign up if you’re interested!🩺🥽

National Principals Month | Interview With Principal Olson

As October slowly comes to a close, we want to shoutout our awesome Principal, Erin Olson, for National Principals Month! Denver Public Schools shared an interview with Principal Olson and we wanted to spotlight all of her work and effortsContinue Reading

Coffee With the Principal | Oct. 20th

Join us for Coffee with the Principal this Friday, October 20th at 8:30am-9:30am in Room 137!☕

CSC Meeting | Oct. 19th

Join us Thursday, Oct. 19th (10/19) for our next Bruce Randolph School CSC Meeting, from 5-6:30pm! See you there!