Category: Boletín Bruce Bulletin

Bruce Randolph Newsletter 9/15

Upcoming Events Calendar September 22nd – PD Day (No School)September 21st – First Collaborative School Committee Meeting (5-6pm)October 6th – Homecoming Dance + Fall Pep RallyOctober 13th – End of Quarter 1 (No School)October 16th – Family ConferencesClick here toContinue Reading

Bruce Randolph Newsletter 5/9/2023

Updates and Announcements La Raza – 5/11 On Thursday, May 11th from 8:30am-9:30am at Bruce Randolph School a parent focus group will meet with La Raza organization. Denver Public Schools wants to know what the experience has been for ourContinue Reading

Early Online Registration

Once a family is enrolled — or accepted — into a DPS school, the next step is registering with their school. This is the annual process of providing and updating student and family information on file, including emergency contacts, healthContinue Reading

Bruce Randolph Weekly Newsletter 12/13/22

Read this week’s newsletter by clicking the link below!

Bruce Randolph School Parent Compact

Parents as Partners Parents, families and guardians play an essential role in supporting the mission, culture and climate at Bruce Randolph School.  We value the partnership with parents and ask that we jointly work together to support our students, communityContinue Reading

Principal Introduction | Introducción a la directora

Bruce Randolph Principal Announcement

Boletín Bruce Bulletin

Viernes, 27 de mayo | Friday, May 27 Bruce Calendar | Calendario de Bruce Click on the item to read more! Haga clic aquí para leer en español

Boletín Bruce Bulletin

Viernes, 20 de mayo | Friday, May 20 Bruce Calendar | Calendario de Bruce Click on the item to read more! Haga clic aquí para leer en español

Boletín Bruce Bulletin

Viernes, 13 de mayo | Friday, May 13 Bruce Calendar | Calendario de Bruce Click on the item to read more! Haga clic aquí para leer en español

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